Leon Hendrix

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Duncan Duane Hunter’s town hall from hell

Deep state. Thousands of Obama appointees trying to take down Donald Trump from the inside as part of an Orwellian government that controls us. An intelligence community, FBI and Department of Justice “that have been infiltrated by seditious Obama folks that want to go after the President.” Or how about defending Judeo-Christian values that we have in this country. And then there’s “The Hunter Plan”…

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Issa freaks out at Vista district office

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-49th District) on Tuesday confronted protestors at his Vista office, then climbed on the roof of his district office building and shot pictures of what was called the largest demonstration yet against his activities and policies in the embattled congressional district. He also reportedly threatened a reporter for being an alleged “operative” for his opponents. This came on the heels of Issa giving supporters…

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