Animals and pets

Dolphin Escapade

(Introducing Izabelle Joie Doucet. She is an energy worker and animal communicator. She will hold a special workshop Nov. 21 at beautiful View Ranch, San Marcos where water springs and flows from  1,000-feet deep aquifers defined by 7-foot high, mystical Stonehenge-like rocks, standing on unnaturally erect. The ranch also houses rescued horses on the oldest knoll in San Marcos. Workshop participants will need to bring…

To blanket or not to blanket? That’s a good cold-weather equine question

By Dr. Luke Bass, DVM, MS; Colorado State University’s James L. Voss Veterinary Teaching Hospital The chilly months from late fall to early spring are generally a time of slowed activity for horse and rider, but attentiveness to horse health and management is just as crucial during the cold season. As an equine veterinarian, I’m often asked about blanketing during the cold months. Primary considerations in…

Animal Healing Center takes holistic approach to pet care

Holistic healing techniques aren’t just for humans anymore. Pets are getting in on the health craze with the next big thing in modern veterinary care being a little something called “integrative veterinary medicine.” Animal Healing Center at Carlsbad and San Diego has been at the forefront of the movement to combine Western and holistic healing methods in dealing with animals. Offering an unique, compassionate and…