the daily show

Duncan Hunter’s ONLY successful bill killed

Say what one will of the convicted legislative fraud that was Duncan Hunter (R-Vapeville), but in his 10 years in office partying and scamming like there was no tomorrow, he managed to pass ONE — count ’em ONE — measure out of a committee during his time in “public service.” Yeah, it was “sarcastic,” Hunter said after his measure requiring women to register for the…

Hunter’s ‘sarcastic’ bill to draft women passes House Armed Services Committee

Congratulations and kudos to Escondido Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter Jr. (Insert sarcastic label here.) Or rather ‘Gotcha’ as Politico proclaimed in a headline last week about his efforts. Last week, the House Armed Services committee passed a groundbreaking bill he proposed. It’s a measure that would change America as we know it should the full House pass it into law on the back of the…