National laughingstock and criminal grifter Duncan Hunter made the national spotlight again Sunday night as political commentator John Oliver called him out along with another well-known racist, Steve King of rural Iowa. Hunter’s laugh-out-loud clown segment begins at around the 1:08 point in Oliver’s video shown here.
With polling showing Ammar Campa-Najjar, an honest and competent person, statistically tied with the criminal grifter Hunter, the California 50th Congressional District seat stolen by the Hunter political crime family — his dad Duncan Hunter was called the most corrupt person in Congress by non-partisan government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) — has come into play, along with the once-safe seats held by King in rural Iowa and fellow indicted congressional-thief Chris Collins in Buffalo, New York’s suburbs.
As you may recall Collins and Hunter were the first two members of Congress to endorse fellow criminal grifter Donald Trump for President, along with Vladimir Putin and Sean Hannity.
As for Hunter’s disgusting racism, McKay Coppins in The Atlantic on Monday ran a story “Duncan Hunter is running the most anti-Muslim campaign in the country.” For more, visit it here.
“Duncan Hunter is not an easy man to find these days,” said Coppins, who could find NOBODY to support Hunter publicly, except for a marginal La Jolla right-wing radio host. “He rarely holds campaign rallies, and doesn’t attend town halls or debates. When I emailed his office asking for an interview, I was politely told my request would be added to the “list”—and then ignored when I tried to follow up.”
From NBC News Monday:
Finally, there are seven Republicans who have no one to blame but themselves for their political woes in Trump-won districts. They include Reps. Duncan Hunter of California and Chris Collins of New York, whose ruby-red seats wouldn’t otherwise be in play if it weren’t for the fact they are running for re-election under indictment.
New on this list: Rep. Steve King of Iowa, whose comments on race and travels to Europe to meet with far-right political figures have drawn condemnations from members of both parties. Still, in this polarized political era, Democrats would need a tsunami to beat any of them. Democrats probably need: None; any of these seats would be icing on their cake.
Meanwhile, without any coherent re-election argument, Hunter went to the Mexico border in his first, final, and only public-ish event — afraid to campaign openly, Hunter ducked debates and appeared only by invitation at a few Republican-only venues without any publicity — where he railed against women and children in the so-called “caravan” of asylum seekers that is two months away from Texas, not even California.
Among Hunter’s low-lites at the border:
— US military likely to be “providing aid” to migrants and to “escort them nicely” to a detention center;
— US military should help get construction going on the border wall;
— US military should build more detention facilities at the border to hold asylum-seekers, including families, “forever if we have to;”
— But rather than the Trump plan for massive tent cities, Hunter says we should “make ‘em nice” so Republicans don’t look like “mean people;”
— Because Mexico is a place with beaches where we go to surf and party, Trump should change Mexico’s status to be a “safe haven” in order to expedite deportation of immigrants.

Duncan Duane Hunter Jr. lives at his parents’ house since he had to sell his house to pay for his alleged theft of $250,000 in campaign finance funds now the subject of a 60-count federal indictment for fraud/Facebook
For those wishing to be active on Election Day and not currently affiliated with any of the many pro-Ammar groups, Indivisible provided some Tuesday, Nov. 6 tips:
…We’re roughly T-minus 48 hours out from election day. This is not a drill. But we’ve all been trained. We know what to do. We’ve mapped out our battle stations (err, polling places). And, if we could, we voted early.
Now, we have to finish out the last two days of this election and GOTMFV!
We’re ready for this. That much has been proven — over and over. We showed up at the Women’s March and the airports. We made noise at town halls and defeated TrumpCare (twice!). We stood with immigrants to fight for DACA and against family separation.
As the countdown begins, we know you’ll want to look back on the final days of the election and know that you did everything in your power to bring the blue wave crashing down on the GOP on November 6.
We’ve got this. But just in case…
Here’s what you can do to get out the vote.
→ Confirm your polling place location. Sign up for our text list and we’ll send you your polling place at 9am (your local time) on election day!
→ Sign up for to phonebank for our endorsed candidates. If you’re ready to make some calls, click this link, sign up for a phone bank shift, and help drive voters to the polls for our endorsed candidates. We’re phonebanking each. and. every. day. until this election is over to support the great work Indivisibles are doing on the ground, in their districts and states.
→ Make a plan to vote. If you haven’t voted yet, take a few moments to ask yourself a few simple questions to make sure you’re ready:
- Do you know where your polling place is?
- Will you be voting before, during, or after work?
- How will you be getting to the polling place? Walking? Driving? Carpooling?
- Then ask all your friends, family, and coworkers if they have a plan to vote!
→ Chip in to fund our final voter contact efforts. We’ve already reached 4 million voters, and hope to reach a million more before election day. Volunteers are calling and texting to flip key House and Senate seats… and send xenophobes like Steve King (IA-04) packing. If you can, chip in to help fund our efforts to push these seats into the win column on election night. And if you missed our second bullet, sign up for a phonebank or text bank shift (or two!) before the polls close.
With just a few more hours left in this election cycle, we know you’re ready to get out there, work super hard, and bring the blue wave crashing down on the GOP. We can’t wait to celebrate each and every one of you, and the work you’ve done to build the blue wave.
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