Got April flu? It’s widespread in SD County

Like the rest of the nation, influenza activity in the San Diego region remains elevated and widespread, according to San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency officials. Reports of lab-confirmed influenza dropped last week to 564 cases from the season high of 692 cases the week before. A new flu death was reported last week, bringing this season’s total to 55. At the same…

Let them eat (free, miniature bundt) cake

Call it a publicity stunt, but free is free, so a complimentary $4.75 miniature bundt cake, or bundtlet so-called, is nothing to turn up one’s nose at. Although there is a 300 second Cinderella window of opportunity catch. From 3 p.m. to 3:05 p.m. Tuesday, April 9, anybody venturing inside Nothing  Bundt Cakes at the (Winco) San Marcos Creekside Marketplace shopping center, 595 Grand Ave.,…

Stone Brewing beef froths with Miller Coors

Score one for true independent craft beer today as the #TrueStonevsKeystone lawsuit continues.  On Tuesday, March 26, a San Diego Federal Court judge issued its order regarding Stone’s preliminary injunction motion against one of the world’s largest beer conglomerates, MillerCoors.  It confirmed “Stone’s mark to be commercially strong and recognizable,” deserving of “strong protection.” Miller Coors is infringing on the brewery’s trademark rights, according to…

As climate change erodes US coastlines, an invasive plant could become an ally

Many invasive species are found along U.S. coasts, including fishes, crabs, mollusks and marsh grasses. Since the general opinion is that invasives are harmful, land managers and communities spend a lot of time and resources attempting to remove them. Often this happens before much is known about their actual effects, either good or bad. The common reed Phragmites australis is a tall perennial grass with…

Yes, we still have avocados, for now

Ah, Avocados;  it’s been a tough month, but Henry Avocado Corp. is back from a listeria recall and so far, no Trump border closure. His threatened U.S.-Mexico border closure would mean no avocados on store shelves within three week, according to experts. With all the controversy, however, avocado prices jumped higher than an NBA all-star at the dunking competition. Prices have remained higher than usual…

Three-Dot Lounge goes loco, er, local

There was a method to the madness of presenting San Francisco legend Herb Caen’s three-dot lounge history along with its various re-interpretations. That was to set up Escondido Grapevine’s own three-dot lounge approach to local and state news. For more about the concept, visit our story here. For more local three-dot news, keep on trucking below… Time to get smART at the Seventh Annual Escondido Youth…

Finally, a bill in Congress to fix climate crisis

But it needs your support. It’s hope-inspiring that a bipartisan bill was introduced in the House of Representatives in January which could save our children and grandchildren from what scientists tell us is an ongoing and growing climate disaster. The evidence is incontrovertible that the climate is in crisis and that burning fossil fuels is the primary cause. A recognized global authority on climate change has warned…

Millennials $1 trillion in debt, but saving more

New findings from the New York Federal Reserve reveal that millennials have now racked up over US$1 trillion of debt. This troubling amount of debt, an increase of over 22 percent in just five years, is more than any other generation in history. This situation may leave you wondering how millennials ended up in such a sorry state. As important as the debt is how…