Search Results for alaska

Groundhog Day, what’s with those groundhogs anyway

According to legend, if the groundhog sees his shadow on February 2nd, there will be six more weeks of winter; if not, an early spring is predicted. This year no shadow. Of course groundhogs – also known as woodchucks – don’t emerge at this time just to be furry weather predictors. So what’s the real reason? Research into groundhog biology shows they have other priorities…

Pala’s ultimate underground radio station

“March 21, 2023 is the 12th Anniversary of the first show of Mark’s Groovy Trip on Rez Radio 91.3. Join us today from 1:00-4:00PM Pacific Time for our special !2th Anniversary Show featuring songs that peaked out at the #12 position on the Billboard Hot 100. Download the RezRadio 91.3 app at Google Play or the Apple App Store for the best listening experience. You…

Quakebot sez…3.7 tremor rocks Temecula; 3.6 tremor hits Ramona two days later

A few people felt it. Other people didn’t. Some said L.A. earthquakes have felt stronger in Wine Country. Some said they and their cats were scared for an hour after feeling the tremor. The tie-breaking quote, however, came from Quakebot, a computer application that monitors the latest earthquakes detected by the U.S. Geological Survey. A magnitude 3.7 earthquake was reported Friday at 9:41 p.m. Pacific…

Consider the underappreciated sea otter

Like Rodney Dangerfield, sea otters get no respect. Since their reintroduction to the Pacific coast in the 1970s, the sea otters’ rapid recovery and voracious appetite for tasty shellfish such as sea urchins, clams and crabs has brought them into conflict with coastal communities and fishers, who rely on the same valuable fisheries for food and income. But the long-term benefits of sea otter recovery—such…

We’re having a (minor) heat wave

A rare late spring windy Santa Ana heat blast from the east is expected to cause temperatures to rise as much as 20 degree over seasonal averages, meteorologists say. Hot temperatures are expected Tuesday throughout San Diego County amid a heat wave that will last through Thursday, according to the National Weather Service. KGTV-10 News Meteorologist Megan Parry says temperatures are expected to near record…

Record rain wreaks rare results, road rubs

Rain, rain, and more rain roared through San Diego County like a freight train with no brakes this week and contrary to past storm trajectories refused to depart without causing mayhem and consternation. As if coronavirus weren’t bad enough, at least the record April rain made sheltering in place a more attractive alternative to wandering around outside. Riffing off T.S. Eliot’s “April is the cruellest…

Virus aside; the earth quakes, rain on the way

Sick of the coronavirus, this may take one’s mind off it: Anza had a 4.9 earthquake that shook San Diego County and rain is on the way this week. Good times. Looking backwards a bit, as the county recorded its 17th coronavirus death on Friday, April 3 — an 18th person died Saturday — the earth shook in a different way. A magnitude 4.9 earthquake…

Census 2020 on its way to San Diego County

Census 2020 has gotten off to a Trump Administration start, which is to say already under scrutiny for lack of competency, missed deadlines and multiple causes for concern. The General Accountability Office (GAO) last week said “readiness for upcoming operations is mixed” for the 2020 Census. GAO is the authoritative agency providing Congress, the heads of executive agencies, and the public with timely, fact-based, non-partisan information…

Earthquake risk is underappreciated danger

On July 4 and 5, two major earthquakes, followed by several thousand smaller ones, struck Southern California. Their size and the damage they caused captured attention around the country. What tends to get much less notice from the public is what can be done to prevent catastrophic damage from big quakes. Had the epicenter of these latest large California earthquakes been closer to downtown Los…

Hold on to your gas cap, fuel nearly $4/gallon

With oil companies blaming refinery issues, gasoline prices have risen in the last month to the highest prices in nearly four years, according to various sources. The average price of a gallon of self-serve regular gasoline in San Diego County rose this week to its highest amount since Aug. 5, 2015, increasing 3.6 cents to $3.868. The average price has risen 22 consecutive days and…